Item System

Aging System

Aging is the process of increasing the potential strength of an item. By making the items more powerful through aging, you can progress through the game quicker. Items must be above level 20 or must have a Rune Level before it can be aged.

To age an item, take your item to Aging Master, Vard in Caeldome, Julio in Roxa, Ramian in Pillay, Nason in West Land or Gutt in Navisko. You will need 3 different materials to age your item to the next level. You will be required to hunt new rare materials as aging level increases.

Level 20 to 39 Feoh
Level 40 to 59 Gyfu
Level 60 to 79 Nieed
Level 80 to 89 Jera
Level 90 to 99 Sigel
Level 100 to 110 Beorc

Items can be aged up to +4 with no risk of failing. After the 5rd aging, the chance of failure increases as the aging level of the item increases. When aging fails, the item and materials are destroyed. However, some materials called runestones can be salvaged from the remains and they will go directly to your inventory.

Aging Level Success Chance Use Awel
1 100%
2 100%
3 100%
4 65% 4
5 55% 8
6 45% 12
7 35% 16
8 25% 20
9 20% 24
10 20% 28
11 20% 32
12 15% 36
13 15% 40
14 15% -
15 15% -
16 10% -
17 10% -
18 10% -
19 5% -

Evolution table of items in the Aging process.

Type Item Status increase on item aging

Damage: 10%
Critical: 10%
Rating: 10%

TOP / Bottom (Heavy, Light, Robe)
Defence: 6%
HP: 3%
MP: 3%
Evasion: 4%
Magic Evasion: 4%
Helmet & Circlet (Heavy, Light, Robe) Critical: 15%
Defence: 6%
Gloves (Heavy, Light, Robe) Rating: 10%
Defence: 6%

Boots (Heavy, Light, Robe)
Defence: 6%
Move Move Speed: 2+
Evasion: 4%
Shield Defence: 6%
Block: 10%
HP: 10%

Defence: 6%
HP: 10%
Mana: 10%
Mana Regem: 10%
Magic Evade: 2%

When aging is successful, increased stats will show in green color and from +4 and +6 will create options.

During the Aging process, if the item breaks, you have an option to recover it as it was, for this you need to buy the Restoration Scroll item in our Store, use it and recover it at the Npc next to Aging

Watch the video below on how to use the recovery scroll


To specialize an item, take your item to Specialising Master, Ravata in Caeldome, Melff in Pillay, Feres in Roxa, Rezen in Ruinen, Veras in Navisko

For example if you are a Fighter then you will want to add specialization stats to your sword that would benefit your class. However the process of specializing an item is random. In other words, the process of specializing an item may not always result in the specialization to your desire. Additionally the potential stats you receive from specializing an item is random as well.

Items can be specialized and un-specialized as many times without any risk of destorying the item. there is no failure or changes on aging and it can always be brought back to normal item by normalizing.

Specializing an Item

To begin specialization of an item, take your item to the Specialization Master.

The item must be at least level 20 in order to specialize and the character must have a job (profession).

You need two key materials to specialize it including Spec. Cells and Artistones. Check the Rune Level of your item before getting Spec. Cells to know which level of Spec. Cells you need in order to match the requirement. You can find the items next to the NPC.

While specializing, the profession will show on the buttom of the item info and additional stats can be seen.
Specialized stats will be shown in green color if your class matches with your specialized item. Otherwise, it will show in grey color. Each item (weapon, shield, etc.) can have different options.

You can use a special item to choose the class and additional

If you choose not to use Premium items once an item is specialized, it will receive a random class and random specialization stats

If the specialization you receive is not to you liking, then you can specialize the item again after changing the item back to normal. The same similar process applies to changing an item back to normal, however this time we have to use Norm. Cells to ultimately remove the current specialization.

Normalizing an Item

For normalizing items, it has a 100% chance of success regardless of age level and circle, it keeps the original status.

For normalizing, it has 100% of succeed and regardless of aging and circle, it keeps the original status.

Coming soon

Force Orb

Visit the Force Orb Master to buy Force Orbs. Force orbs are used to boost your attack damage or defense rating for a limited time. Upgrade your weapons and armor and use force orbs altogether to kill monsters quicker and destroy other players in PvP.

By meeting Force Orb master, Evan in Caeldome, in Pillay or in Roxa. To be able to buy the forces you need to exchange the stones that you will get by dropping from the monsters.

You will find Attack Force (red) and Defense (blue), the defense ones increase the damage based on the Orb power of your defense and attack items,

Once a Force Orb is activated, there will be a timer of 15 minutes, and your weapon will have an effect.

Crafting Items

Crafting allows you to create items for yourself from raw materials dropped from monsters. To craft new items, you must join a Guild associated to the type of item you wish to craft. Guillds are not to be confused with clans created by other players in the game. There are 5 guilds to join, including the Weapon Guild, Armor Guild, Armorsmith Guild, Accessory Guild and Alchemist Guild.

Before we can craft anything, you have to join a guild of your choice. The minimum requirements for joining your first guild is having a level 10 character, at least 5 fame points and 1000 Eons. The Guild Masters only exist from each race's starting town, but once you have learned how to craft an item from them, you can craft that item at anywhere, anytime in the world.

The first thing we have to do is to complete the quests for the guild we just joined. Quests provide contribution points towards that guild which will be needed for learning how to craft new items. Some of these quests are repeatable as well.

Choose the item that you want to learn how to craft from the guild master and check the requirements for learning it. Once you have learned how to craft an item, you can craft it from anywhere in the world as long as you have enough materials in your inventory needed to make it. Press "T" to open the Craft Skill window. From there we can select from the list of items we've learned how to make and then create them.

Then get the materials you ask for, you can manufacture some, and others only from monster drops, after collecting the necessary materials, make the item


The Buy/Sell system allows you to list items from your inventory to sell even while you’re offline, or to buy items that others have put up. The Buy/Sell character can be found in every starting race town.


The initial screen that appears is the Buy section. On the left, you see a menu with all the types of items that can be purchased. To begin, select the category of items you want to browse through. In this example, we want to look for two-handed swords, so we’ll expand the Weapon Type menu.

Once the category is opened, click on the sub-category of items you want. Here we clicked on Two-Handed Swords. Click on “Search” afterward to retrieve the list of items on sale within this category.

If there are items sold by other players that fit this category, then they should appear right away after clicking on the Search Button. From here you can then see the Item Name, its level requirement, the name of the seller for this item, and the price. For further details, just hover your mouse over the item in the list to see its stats.

Buy/Sell Image

After you purchase the item, you will receive it in your Mailbox in approximately 10 minutes.

Buy/Sell Image


To sell items, look for the Sell tab found under the left menu of the Buy/Sell window. Switching to this tab will also cause your inventory window to open.

Buy/Sell Image

Drag the item you want to sell from your inventory into the box as seen in the below screenshot. Enter the price in eons you want to sell this item for and press on the Sell button. You can sell up to 20 items at once.

Buy/Sell Image

After pressing “Sell,” a confirmation window will appear. Note that there is a 5% fee that will be deducted from the price you entered if this item is sold successfully to another player. Press “Yes” to confirm that you want to sell this item given the terms.

Buy/Sell Image

All your items that are waiting to be bought will appear in this list. Once an item is sold it will disappear from this list, and you will receive a message in your Mailbox containing the eon you earned. In addition to successfully selling the item, if you decide to cancel the sale on an item, the item will be sent immediately to your mailbox for retrieval.

Buy/Sell Image

After a certain period (60 days) if the item is not sold, it will return to your mailbox.

Product Price Quantity Total
Total GC: 0
Your Wallet GC: 0

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