Game Play

First Profession

To do the class quest, you will need 120 Fame, you need to do all the initial quests, without skipping them. When you reach level 10, you will receive a quest that you will send to the city master, and there you will be able to choose your profession, or continue with yours, if you choose Fighter, Kina or Pike.

The lvl 30, 50 and 70 tier quests will also require fame to get them, just do all the quests available during your journey.


Clans are an important social aspect in Priston Tale 2. Clans give you an opportunity to be a part of a group with others who have similar interests or goals to achieve in the game. Surrounding yourself with the right people will definitely help you each your own personal goals sooner too.

Clans not only provide a persistant group to be a part of, but also allows you the oppertunity to take part in Clan battles.

Creating a Clan

In order to create a clan, some conditions must be met:

  • You must have completed the first profession change
  • You must be at least level 10
  • The cost of starting a clan is 100,000 eons.

Meet the Clan Master in your town to register a new clan.

Enter the name you want to call your new clan and press the "OK" next to where you entered the name to confirm that it has not been taken yet. Press the "OK" button under that to confirm that you want spent the 100,000 eons to create this clan.

The formation of the new clan is complete! However this clan is not permanent until enough members have joined. The leader must recruit at least 5 clan members within 7 days for the clan to become officially registered.

You can now check your clan information by pressing the shortcut key 'G' on your keyboard.

Update the Clan Mark

If you want to use a customized icon for your Clan Mark, then following these steps:

- Find the image you want to use for your Clan Mark or create a new on by hand on Windows.

- Adjust the image's dimension to 32 x 32 pixels, and then save it as "clanmark.bmp".

- Save the new clanmark.bmp file into ClanMark folder located within the folder where you installed Priston Tale 2. (By default this is at C:\Program Files\\PristonTale 2-Vintage\g)

- Login to Priston Tale 2, open the Clan window, and click on the Clan Mark logo to change it to your own.

Clan Options

Press 'G' on your keyboard to open the Clan window. Click on the Options tab. From here you can do the following actions.

Expel from Clan Select a member on the clan member list and click on this expel button to kick them out. Members who are expelled from the clan cannot join another clan for 10 days.
Set Clan Level Select a member on the clan member list and click "Set Clan Level" to change the authority of this member. The authorities include: Normal member, Honorary member, and Vice-clan leader.
Make a Clan Leader Select a member on the clan member list and click "Make a Clan Leader" to set them as the new leader of the clan.
Clan Notice This function allows you to set the notice message that appears in the Clan Information tab. Use this to tell your members important clan announcements.

Clan Rights

Rights of each rank of the clan:

Temporary Clan The clan is in the early stages before becoming a level 1 clan.
Level 1 Can check clan information, clan quest accomplishments, and have up to 10 members.
Level 2 Can apply a clan icon, have 40 spaces in the clan inventory, grant members ranks and have up to 15 members.
Level 3 Ability to use clan skills, have 60 spaces in clan inventory, can qualify for participation in battle tournaments(Arena) and have up to 20 members.
Level 4 Have 80 spaces in clan inventory and have up to 25 members.
Level 5 Have 100 spaces in clan inventory and have up to 30 members.

Clan level will be increased by clan points that are gained by completing clan quests.

Authority of member levels:

Level 1 [Normal member] Invite to the clan.
Level 2 [Honorary member] Invite to the clan, add and remove items from the clan warehouse.
Level 3 [Vice clan leader] Same authority as an honorary member and in addition can kick guild members and make notices on the notice boards.
Level 4 [Clan leader] All authority of other members and can change clan ranks and dismiss the clan.

A clan leader may dismiss their clan by speaking to the Clan Master in town. A clan is officially dismissed after 24 hours.

Leaving a Clan

If you are in a clan you may leave at anytime by clicking on "Withdraw Clan" from the Members List on the Clan window. If you do this, you may not join another clan until 7 days have past.

Additionally: If you were kicked out of a clan, then you will have to wait 10 days before joining another clan.

The 7-10 day waiting time is required to prevent foul play of the weekly Clan Arena battles.

Warsafe Zone

On some PvP channel maps, you can find a blue area, called Safe Zone, where it is not possible to activate PK.

Warfare Zone

On PvP Channel maps, everywhere you can activate “Strong Sight” and PK anyone, the information below applies to maps without channels and nPvP channels

Warfare Zones are PVP (player verus player) enabled. There are other areas in the world that contain PVP hotspots, but it is particularly heavy in these areas. Warfare Zone can easily be recognized on the map you're currently in by spotting the locations highlighted in a dark red color.

You will discover over time that there are two areas in each warfare zone, essentially an upper and lower level of monsters. The upper area spawns stronger monsters whos names are prefixed with "Soul" and you may also come across a particular boss monster here depending on the zone that you are training in.

Warfare zones generally contain stronger monsters than its surrounding areas. These monsters reward you with more experience and the potential to find ancient coins. The ancient coins are highly valuable which results in tough competition between characters to hold their ground here against others.

And also Special buff can be gained if you play in the Warfare Area for an hour. The time that you played in Warfare Area is shown in the mini Map.

When entering warfare zones, be sure to equip the action "Strong Sight" which is used to flag yourself as being hostle to other players.

If you activate the “Strong Sight”, the character’s name will turn into Red Color and can start to attack all the users(including Red and white color ID). Also other users can attack you. During the PK mode, even though you or other characters are killed, the items that were equipped will not be dropped. But there is a loss of exp.

When you exit out of the warfare area, the ID will be turn into white color even if “Strong Sight” is activated.

It's suggested that you enter with friends or clanmates if you plan on keeping the area to yourself while there. Be warned though, your friends may betray you! Characters are granted additional powers for every hour that they remain alive in the warfare zone. So if you are dedicated to staying a long period of time to reap the benefits of ancient coins, then you better stay alive!

Clan Arena

Clan Arena is a weekly competition where clans fight against each other in Qualifying Rounds of clan vs. clan Arena battles to gain Arena Points. The clan with the most Arena Points at the end of the week becomes the Challenging Clan and is allowed to fight against Priston’s Champion Clan in the Territory Battle. The winner of the Territory Battle becomes Priston’s next Champion Clan.

2. Clan Arena Schedule

Each and every Monday, Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday, Qualifying Clan Arena battles are fought. During a round’s Requesting Time, clan leaders and vice leaders are able to request that their clan compete in the round.

Days with Clan Arena Rounds Round Order Round Type Clan Ranks and Restrictions Round Requesting Time(GMT) Entrance Time for Qualifying Round(GMT)
1st Round Qualifying Clan levels 4 and 5 only;Only players lv 50+ 18:30 ~ 19:00 19:00
2nd Round Qualifying Clan levels 4 and 5 only;Only players lv 50+ 19:30 ~ 20:00 20:00
3th Round Qualifying Clan levels 4 and 5 only;Only players lv 50+ 20:30 ~ 21:00 21:00
4th Round Qualifying Clan levels 4 and 5 only;Only players lv 50+ 21:30 ~ 22:00 22:00
5th Round Qualifying Clan levels 4 and 5 only;Only players lv 50+ 22:30 ~ 23:00 23:00

As clans battle each other in the Qualifying Rounds, they try to get Arena Points. A list of the top 8 clans with the most Arena Points is updated over the week and can be seen from the Priston Tale 2 website or by Talking to an Arena Manager NPC in the game.

Once all the Qualifying Rounds of Clan Arena battle have finished, the clan with the largest number of Arena Points becomes the challenger to fight Priston’s Champion Clan in the Territory Battle.

Day of Territory Battle Territory Battle Round(GMT) Territory Battle Requesting Time(GMT) Territory Battle Entrance Time(GMT)
Sunday 1 Round 20:30 ~ 21:00 21:00

The winner of the Territory Battle will become Priston’s next Champion Clan.

3. Getting Arena Points

Clans earn Arena Points whenever their members capture a flag, destroy a monument, or defeat a member of an enemy clan while fighting in a Clan Arena battle.

Action in Clan Arena Arena Points Received
Defeat the member of an enemy clan 5 Arena Point
Capture the Flag of Victory
100 Arena Point
Capture the Flag of Chance
20 Arena Point
Destroy the Monument of Victory
When on the middle: 50 arena points
When on the side: 20 arena points
Destroy the Monument of Fortune
When on the middle: 30 arena points
When on the side: 20 arena points
Destroy the Monument of Chance
When on the middle: 30 arena points
When on the side: 20 arena points

Arena Points are also given to a clan every time they win a Clan Arena Battle.

If a clan wins their Clan Arena battle before the battle’s time limit is reached, Time Attack Bonus Arena Points are calculated and added to the clan’s total number of Arena Points.

"From 13,000 points in the ranking, the clan will need to make a record score of more than 2,700. Only a value of more than 2,700 will be added to the clan's ranking."

4. How to Win a Clan Arena Battle

To win a Clan Arena battle, a clan must score a certain number of Arena Points before the battle’s time limit has been reached. (Although 5 points are added per opponent's death, the bonus given for each death will only be added to the end, and this will be affected by the duration of the battle).

Type of Clan Arena Battle Time Limit Arena Points Needed to Win
Qualifying 30 minutes 1.000 Arena Points
Territory Battle 45 minutes 3.000 Arena Points

If the time limit for a Clan Arena battle is reached, the clan that got the most Arena Points during the battle will win.

5. Requirements to Fight in Clan Arena Battle

All clans who want to fight in Clan Arena battles must have the following requirements:

Entry Requirement Explanation
Clan Rank Clans must be of the proper rank to participate in a particular round of Clan Arena battle.
Not Priston’s Champion Clan Priston’s Champion Clan can only fight in the Territory Battle and cannot fight in any Qualifying Clan Arena battles.

Before the Territory Battle begins, the following events must occur:

Event Explanation Role of Clan
Winner of Qualifying Rounds Is Recognized The top-ranked clan in the Arena Rankings for the week is recognized and requests to enter the Territory Battle. Challenging Clan
Current Champion Clan Requests Territory Battle In order to defend their title, Priston’s Champion Clan must request to enter the Territory Battle. Priston’s Champion Clan

Warning: If Priston’s current Champion Clan does not request to enter the Territory Battle during its Requesting Time, they will lose their role as Priston’s Champion Clan and the Challenging Clan will automatically become Priston’s new Champion Clan.

6. Requesting to Join a Clan Arena Battle

The leader or vice leaders of a clan must talk to one of the Arena Manager NPCs during a round’s Requesting Time.

The following Eons and Arena Points must be paid to the Arena Manager to fight in a round of Clan Arena battle:

Type of Clan Arena Battle Eon Clan Point
Qualifying Round 100,000 Eon 10 Clan Points
Territory Battle 100,000 Eon 10 Clan Points

Warning: The player who makes the request to fight in a Clan Arena battle must pay the needed Eons from the player’s own inventory.

7. Choosing Clan Members to Fight in a Clan Arena Battle

When the leader or vice leaders of a clan request for their clan to fight in a Clan Arena battle, they can choose 6 to 24 members of their clan to join the battle.

Choosing which clan members will fight in the Clan Arena battle can only be done by talking to an Arena Manager NPC during a round’s Requesting Time.

8. Matching System for a Qualifying Round of Clan Arena Battle

When the Requesting Time for a Qualifying Round of Clan Arena battle has finished, all of the clans who requested to fight are randomly matched up against each other in their own clan vs. clan battles.

Clans who fight in Qualifying Rounds of Clan Arena battles will not know who their opponents are until they meet them in battle.

If one of these clans is unable to be matched up against another clan, this clan will not fight during the round and will be allowed to enter the next Qualifying Round without having to spend Eons or Clan Points.

9. Entering a Clan Arena Battle

A few minutes before the battle begins, all clan members who were chosen to fight in this battle will see the image of a shield underneath their character’s avatar at the top-left of their screen. To enter the Clan Arena battle, a clan member must click on this shield image and then click Enter Now.

When entering the Arena, a clan member will spawn on his or her clan’s side. If the battle has not started, a gate will block clan members from entering the center of the Arena. Once the battle begins, this gate will open, and players will be able to leap off their starting platforms and enter the center of the Arena.

10. Special Exceptions in the Arena

If players are in the Arena before the Clan Arena battle has started, they will be able to use their skills for free without using any MP. This is a good time for players to apply buffs to themselves and their team members. After the Clan Arena battle has started, using skills will once again use MP as normal.

If a player is killed during a Clan Arena battle, the player will be able to revive back at his or her starting point in the Arena without losing any EXP.

Players cannot use the following items in a Clan Arena battle:

  1. Cash Items (Silver, Gold Revival Pendant, Return Core)
  2. Event Items
  3. Ether Core Items (Items that allow you to move to a village or hunting place in Priston)

11. Arena Objects to Help the Battle

To help both clans in battle, players can pick up and use the following objects in the Arena..

Item Name Effect
Bless of Wind Increases the moving speed of oneself and nearby fellow clan members at the time of pickup by 80% for 30 seconds.
Bless of Valor Increases the moving speed of oneself and nearby fellow clan members at the time of pickup by 15% for 30 seconds.
Bless of Focus Increases the casting speed of oneself and nearby fellow clan members at time of pickup by 30% for 30 seconds.
Bless of Healing Recovers HP of oneself and nearby fellow clan members at time of pickup.
Bless of Recovery Recovers MP of oneself and nearby fellow clan members at time of pickup.
Curse of Flame Gives 300 flame damage to the entire enemy every 2 seconds for 11 seconds.
Curse of Chill Decreases the enemy’s moving speed by 50% for 10 seconds.
Curse of Shock Stuns all nearby enemies for 5 seconds.

12. Viewing Clan Arena Battle Results

At the end of a Clan Arena battle, a window showing the results of the battle will be shown to all players in the Arena. From this window, players can see the number of Arena Points that each clan in this battle earned along with the individual scores of each clan member.

13. Clan Arena Rewards

The following rewards are given to the clan that wins the Territory Battle at the end of each and every week:

Role Given Eons Given
Priston’s Champion Clan * Priston’s Champion Clan can control Priston’s tax rate and get the Eons collected from Priston’s Tax Revenue.

The following rewards are given to the top 8 clans in the Arena Rankings after the last Qualifying Round of Clan Arena battle has been fought:

Final Place in Arena Rankings Number of Eons Given
1 Information currently unavailable
2 Information currently unavailable

14. Setting the Tax Rate as Priston’s Champion Clan

Only the leader and vice leaders of Priston’s current Champion Clan are able to set the tax rate in Priston, which is done by talking to the Accountant NPC who is located next to the warehouse in Caledome.

After Priston’s Champion Clan sets the tax rate, the tax rate cannot be reset for another 10 minutes.

For 30 minutes after the start of the Territory Battle, Priston’s tax rate cannot be changed.

Mon. Tue. Wed. Thu. Fri. Sat. Sun.
Battle Type Qualifying Rounds No Clan Arena Battles Today Qualifying Rounds No Clan Arena Battles Today Qualifying Rounds Qualifying Rounds Territory Battle
Priston’s Current Champion Clan Can change tax rate every 10 minutes Cannot change tax rate after 20:00 GMT on Sunday.
Priston’s Next Champion Clan Cannot change tax rate Cannot change tax rate Cannot change tax rate Cannot change tax rate Cannot change tax rate Cannot change tax rate Can change tax rate after 20:30 GMT on Sunday.

When the week’s Territory Battle has finished and Priston’s next Champion Clan has been recognized, the tax rate for Priston will automatically be set to 0% until it is changed by Priston’s current Champion Clan.

Priston’s tax rate can be changed to any value within the following range:

Tax Rate Adjustment Range

0% ~ 10%

15. Withdrawing Taxes as Priston’s Champion Clan

Once a week, the leader and vice leaders of Priston’s Champion Clan are each able to withdraw Eons collected from Priston’s tax rate.

Eons collected from Priston’s tax rate can be withdrawn by talking to the Account NPC.

Product Price Quantity Total
Total GC: 0
Your Wallet GC: 0

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